1 | package contenttype
2 |
3 | import (
4 | "bytes"
5 | "fmt"
6 | "testing"
7 | )
8 |
9 | type ParseContentTypeTestCase struct {
10 | Input string
11 | ExpectedOutput *ContentType /* or nil if an error is expected */
12 | ExpectedString *string /* or nil if equals to Input */
13 | }
14 |
15 | var parseContentTypeTestCases []ParseContentTypeTestCase = []ParseContentTypeTestCase{
16 | ParseContentTypeTestCase{
17 | "text/html",
18 | &ContentType{"text", "html", "", map[string]string{}},
19 | nil,
20 | },
21 | ParseContentTypeTestCase{
22 | "text/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8",
23 | &ContentType{"text", "svg", "xml", map[string]string{"charset": "UTF-8"}},
24 | nil,
25 | },
26 | ParseContentTypeTestCase{
27 | "text/",
28 | nil,
29 | nil,
30 | },
31 | ParseContentTypeTestCase{
32 | "text; charset=UTF-8",
33 | &ContentType{"text", "", "", map[string]string{"charset": "UTF-8"}},
34 | nil,
35 | },
36 | ParseContentTypeTestCase{
37 | "text/+xml; charset=UTF-8",
38 | &ContentType{"text", "", "xml", map[string]string{"charset": "UTF-8"}},
39 | nil,
40 | },
41 | }
42 |
43 | type ContentTypeEqualsTestCase struct {
44 | A, B ContentType
45 | Equals bool
46 | }
47 |
48 | var Map_Empty map[string]string = map[string]string{}
49 | var Map_A map[string]string = map[string]string{"a": "value_a"}
50 | var Map_B map[string]string = map[string]string{"b": "value_b"}
51 | var Map_AB map[string]string = map[string]string{"a": "value_a", "b": "value_b"}
52 |
53 | var ContentType_E ContentType = ContentType{"a", "b", "c", Map_Empty}
54 | var ContentType_A ContentType = ContentType{"a", "b", "c", Map_A}
55 | var ContentType_B ContentType = ContentType{"a", "b", "c", Map_B}
56 | var ContentType_AB ContentType = ContentType{"a", "b", "c", Map_AB}
57 |
58 | var contentTypeEqualsTestCases []ContentTypeEqualsTestCase = []ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{
59 | // TopLevelType, SubType, Suffix
60 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_E, ContentType{"a", "b", "c", Map_Empty}, true},
61 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_E, ContentType{"o", "b", "c", Map_Empty}, false},
62 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_E, ContentType{"a", "o", "c", Map_Empty}, false},
63 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_E, ContentType{"a", "b", "o", Map_Empty}, false},
64 | // Parameters
65 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_A, ContentType_A, true},
66 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_B, ContentType_B, true},
67 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_AB, ContentType_AB, true},
68 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_A, ContentType_E, false},
69 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_A, ContentType_B, false},
70 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_B, ContentType_A, false},
71 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_AB, ContentType_A, false},
72 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_AB, ContentType_E, false},
73 | ContentTypeEqualsTestCase{ContentType_A, ContentType_AB, false},
74 | }
75 |
76 | type FilterTestCase struct {
77 | Description string
78 | Input Filter
79 | TrueValues []ContentType
80 | FalseValues []ContentType
81 | }
82 |
83 | var filterTestCases []FilterTestCase = []FilterTestCase{
84 | FilterTestCase{
85 | "contains xml",
86 | NewFilterContains("xml"),
87 | []ContentType{
88 | ContentType{"xml", "", "", Map_Empty},
89 | ContentType{"text", "xml", "", Map_Empty},
90 | ContentType{"text", "html", "xml", Map_Empty},
91 | },
92 | []ContentType{
93 | ContentType{"text", "svg", "", map[string]string{"script": "javascript"}},
94 | ContentType{"java", "script", "", Map_Empty},
95 | },
96 | },
97 | FilterTestCase{
98 | "equals applications/xhtml",
99 | NewFilterEquals("application", "xhtml", "*"),
100 | []ContentType{
101 | ContentType{"application", "xhtml", "xml", Map_Empty},
102 | ContentType{"application", "xhtml", "", Map_Empty},
103 | ContentType{"application", "xhtml", "zip", Map_Empty},
104 | ContentType{"application", "xhtml", "zip", Map_AB},
105 | },
106 | []ContentType{
107 | ContentType{"application", "javascript", "", Map_Empty},
108 | ContentType{"text", "xhtml", "", Map_Empty},
109 | },
110 | },
111 | FilterTestCase{
112 | "equals application/*",
113 | NewFilterEquals("application", "*", ""),
114 | []ContentType{
115 | ContentType{"application", "xhtml", "", Map_Empty},
116 | ContentType{"application", "javascript", "", Map_Empty},
117 | },
118 | []ContentType{
119 | ContentType{"text", "xhtml", "", Map_Empty},
120 | ContentType{"text", "xhtml", "xml", Map_Empty},
121 | },
122 | },
123 | FilterTestCase{
124 | "equals applications */javascript",
125 | NewFilterEquals("*", "javascript", ""),
126 | []ContentType{
127 | ContentType{"application", "javascript", "", Map_Empty},
128 | ContentType{"text", "javascript", "", Map_Empty},
129 | },
130 | []ContentType{
131 | ContentType{"text", "html", "", Map_Empty},
132 | ContentType{"text", "javascript", "zip", Map_Empty},
133 | },
134 | },
135 | FilterTestCase{
136 | "equals applications/* or */javascript",
137 | NewFilterOr([]Filter{
138 | NewFilterEquals("application", "*", ""),
139 | NewFilterEquals("*", "javascript", ""),
140 | }),
141 | []ContentType{
142 | ContentType{"application", "javascript", "", Map_Empty},
143 | ContentType{"text", "javascript", "", Map_Empty},
144 | ContentType{"application", "xhtml", "", Map_Empty},
145 | },
146 | []ContentType{
147 | ContentType{"text", "html", "", Map_Empty},
148 | ContentType{"application", "xhtml", "xml", Map_Empty},
149 | },
150 | },
151 | }
152 |
153 | type FilterParametersTestCase struct {
154 | Input map[string]string
155 | Filter map[string]bool
156 | Output map[string]string
157 | }
158 |
159 | var filterParametersTestCases []FilterParametersTestCase = []FilterParametersTestCase{
160 | FilterParametersTestCase{
161 | map[string]string{},
162 | map[string]bool{"A": true, "B": true},
163 | map[string]string{},
164 | },
165 | FilterParametersTestCase{
166 | map[string]string{"A": "value_A", "B": "value_B"},
167 | map[string]bool{},
168 | map[string]string{},
169 | },
170 | FilterParametersTestCase{
171 | map[string]string{"A": "value_A", "B": "value_B"},
172 | map[string]bool{"A": true},
173 | map[string]string{"A": "value_A"},
174 | },
175 | FilterParametersTestCase{
176 | map[string]string{"A": "value_A", "B": "value_B"},
177 | map[string]bool{"A": true, "B": true},
178 | map[string]string{"A": "value_A", "B": "value_B"},
179 | },
180 | }
181 |
182 | func TestContentTypeEquals(t *testing.T) {
183 | for _, testCase := range contentTypeEqualsTestCases {
184 | if !testCase.A.Equals(testCase.B) && testCase.Equals {
185 | t.Errorf(`Must be equals "%s"="%s"`, testCase.A, testCase.B)
186 | } else if testCase.A.Equals(testCase.B) && !testCase.Equals {
187 | t.Errorf(`Mustn't be equals "%s"!="%s"`, testCase.A, testCase.B)
188 | }
189 | }
190 | }
191 |
192 | func TestParseContentType(t *testing.T) {
193 | for _, testCase := range parseContentTypeTestCases {
194 | // test ParseContentType
195 | contentType, err := ParseContentType(testCase.Input)
196 | if testCase.ExpectedOutput == nil {
197 | // error expected
198 | if err == nil {
199 | // but there is no error
200 | t.Errorf(`Expecting error for "%s"`, testCase.Input)
201 | }
202 | } else {
203 | // no expected error
204 | if err != nil {
205 | t.Errorf(`Unexpecting error for "%s" : %s`, testCase.Input, err)
206 | } else if !contentType.Equals(*testCase.ExpectedOutput) {
207 | // the parsed contentType doesn't matched
208 | t.Errorf(`Unexpecting result for "%s", instead got "%s"`, testCase.ExpectedOutput.String(), contentType.String())
209 | } else {
210 | // ParseContentType is fine, checking String()
211 | contentTypeString := contentType.String()
212 | expectedString := testCase.Input
213 | if testCase.ExpectedString != nil {
214 | expectedString = *testCase.ExpectedString
215 | }
216 | if contentTypeString != expectedString {
217 | t.Errorf(`Error with String() output of "%s", got "%s", ContentType{"%s", "%s", "%s", "%s"}`, expectedString, contentTypeString, contentType.TopLevelType, contentType.SubType, contentType.Suffix, contentType.Parameters)
218 | }
219 | }
220 | }
221 | }
222 | }
223 |
224 | func FilterToString(m map[string]bool) string {
225 | b := new(bytes.Buffer)
226 | for key, value := range m {
227 | if value {
228 | fmt.Fprintf(b, "'%s'=true;", key)
229 | } else {
230 | fmt.Fprintf(b, "'%s'=false;", key)
231 | }
232 | }
233 | return b.String()
234 | }
235 |
236 | func TestFilters(t *testing.T) {
237 | for _, testCase := range filterTestCases {
238 | for _, contentType := range testCase.TrueValues {
239 | if !testCase.Input(contentType) {
240 | t.Errorf(`Filter "%s" must accept the value "%s"`, testCase.Description, contentType)
241 | }
242 | }
243 | for _, contentType := range testCase.FalseValues {
244 | if testCase.Input(contentType) {
245 | t.Errorf(`Filter "%s" mustn't accept the value "%s"`, testCase.Description, contentType)
246 | }
247 | }
248 | }
249 | }
250 |
251 | func TestFilterParameters(t *testing.T) {
252 | for _, testCase := range filterParametersTestCases {
253 | // copy Input since the map will be modified
254 | InputCopy := make(map[string]string)
255 | for k, v := range testCase.Input {
256 | InputCopy[k] = v
257 | }
258 | // apply filter
259 | contentType := ContentType{"", "", "", InputCopy}
260 | contentType.FilterParameters(testCase.Filter)
261 | // test
262 | contentTypeOutput := ContentType{"", "", "", testCase.Output}
263 | if !contentTypeOutput.Equals(contentType) {
264 | t.Errorf(`FilterParameters error : %s becomes %s with this filter %s`, testCase.Input, contentType.Parameters, FilterToString(testCase.Filter))
265 | }
266 | }
267 | }