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1 | # Yukari's Gap
2 | Web content sanitizer proxy as a service[^1], fork of [MortyProxy]( with some suggestions from the issue tracker applied, named after [the youkai you shouldn't ever come near](
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4 | Yukari's Gap rewrites web pages to exclude malicious HTML tags and attributes. It also replaces external resource references to prevent third party information leaks.
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6 | The main goal of this tool is to provide a result proxy for [searx](, but it can be used as a standalone sanitizer service too.
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8 | Features:
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10 | * HTML sanitization
11 | * Rewrites HTML/CSS external references to locals
12 | * JavaScript blocking
13 | * No Cookies forwarded
14 | * No Referrers
15 | * No Caching/Etag
16 | * Supports GET/POST forms and IFrames
17 | * Optional HMAC URL verifier key to prevent service abuse
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19 | ## Installation and setup
20 | Requirement: Go version 1.16 or higher (thus making it incompatible with MortyProxy's own requirement, but also to use `go embed`)
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22 | ```
23 | $ go install
24 | $ "$GOPATH/bin/yukari" --help
25 | ```
26 | ### Usage
27 | See `yukari(1)`
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29 | ### Test
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31 | ```
32 | $ make test
33 | ```
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35 | ### Benchmark
36 |
37 | ```
38 | $ make bench
39 | ```
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41 | ## Bugs
42 | Bugs or suggestions? Mail [](
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44 | ---
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46 | [^1]: or WCPaaS, mind you, also I didn't come up with that, it was already there when I arrived
for help on using the repository browser.